Pedro Coll. His first professional steps were in the world of travel and leisure. He has visited the Far and Middle East, the Caribbean and Africa. Invited by the Madrid magazine Periplo, he participated in the UNESCO’s World Heritage series, with reports on the French Gothic, the Azores and Madeira, as well as Australia and Tasmania. He has published articles in Periplo, GeoMundo, El País Dominical, Viajar and other journals. He was invited by Collins Publishers (for the “A day in the life…” series) to contribute to books on Spain, Italy, California, Ireland and Vietnam. Some of these projects were exhibited at the Nikon Gallery in the Rockefeller Center in New York. In 1995 Editorial Lumwerg, Barcelona, published his book El tiempo detenido, a personal essay in black and white on the long-suffering Havana of the “período especial”. In 1996 he gave up personal projects to devote himself exclusively to produce photographs for image banks in more than thirty countries. Since 2017 he develops personal projects under the publishing label EL PUNTO AMARILLO, whose first volume is “La Habana. Tiempo de descuento


Pedro Coll - Fotógrafo

Foto: Andrés López Mengual





Javi Saguillo. His career in photography began in Mallorca in 2006 with assignments in interior design and covering different events. At the present time he is involved in lifestyle for hotels, publicity campaigns, interiors, travel and fashion. His work has taken him to Cuba, Miami, Santa Lucía, Dubai, Río de Janeiro, Jamaica, Panama London, Tanzania, Antigua and Barbuda and Cape Verde, among others. Some of his work has been published in magazines like Vogue Brasil, GQ Brasil, Vogue España, Yo Dona Deco, M-Style and T-Magazine. In 2012 his series “The Havaners” was on exhibition in the Casa América (Palacio de Linares). In 2014 and 2015 he took part in a collective exhibition on Hong Kong (Hong Kong a point of view) in Mallorca (Ses Voltes), Menorca (Fundació Sa Nostra) and Ibiza (Fundació Sa Nostra) with the series “Metafotografía en tercera persona”. In 2019 he represented The Balearics with two other artists in the Hybrid Art Fair Festival, a parallel art fair to ARCO, with part of his series “Yo Digo Baila Tú Dices Dance”. At the present time he is preparing two photo-books around the “travel” concept: “Paralelogramo”and “No Place To Hide”, the first of which will see the light in 2020 when it will be published by El PUNTO AMARILLO.


Javi Saguillo - Fotógrafo

Foto: Andrés López Mengual





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